The Empty Chair

Dear Church,

A couple of Sundays ago I brought a chair up to the front of the church (though the task proved more difficult than I predicted). I preached about the open chairs in our lives as the opportunity to make new friends and to be intentional about seeing who is in need of a supportive seat in their lives. I pointed out the empty seats in worship as opportunities to invite someone new to worship and challenged you to consider who in your life is in need of that seat and the worship filled community that comes with it.

Over the last year I have been praying over those empty seats and praying over the neighborhood that surrounds our church, seeing a connection between the two. I am ready to move from prayer to action and I am hoping that you will move with me. Beginning this year we are launching our new community outreach program with the intention of meeting our neighbors, fellowshipping with them and showing them Christian hospitality.

How will we do that? I’m so glad you asked! We are going to throw a block party in the park on Saturday, April 4 with food, games, music, activities and an Easter Egg hunt. This will not be a one-time event but will be a series of celebratory events to meet and greet our neighbors and to be an active part of our community. Mark your calendars now to be at this event and let me know if you are interested in being a part of the planning team or the hands-on help for the event.

Let’s work together and fill up our empty seats with new friends and future family members!

Blessings, Pastor Stacy