COVID-19 Response

Dear Family and Friends,

The Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) is impacting our communities and is forcing us to make difficult decisions in an effort to protect our community’s most vulnerable members. We as the church are called to be responsible and to do our part in following the advice and protocols being put in place by the Los Angeles Public Health Director. With this, we at First UMC of Torrance are regrettably moving to an online worship and study experience for the next two weeks to allow people to stay at home and be safe during this anxious time. By Sunday morning, worship videos will be posted on our Facebook page and on our website. For those without online access, sermon and prayer scripts can be sent to you, just make a request through Pastor Stacy or the church office, which will maintain regular hours as of today. Children and youth Sunday school packets will be emailed out and can also be available as hard copies through Becky. Pastor Stacy is available through email and cell phone for all pastoral needs and for prayer.

Blessings, be safe and please let us know if you need anything during this complex and challenging time.