February 2020 Column

Dear Church,

Exciting things are happening through worship at First UMC of Torrance this month. On Sunday mornings we will be digging deep into our important relationships through the lens of scripture and the hit TV show “This Is Us.” What does it take to make a relationship last (2/2)? How do we handle relationships when they get messy (2/9)? And how do we draw our circle of relationships wider to deepen our support system and joy in life (2/16)? Then join us for our annual Children’s Sabbath on February 23 as our children and youth lead us in worship.

This month we will have our second “Small Dinner Church” at the parsonage on Friday, February 28 at 6:00pm. This is an opportunity to gather around the dinner table for a hot meal, to spend time in personal sized worship through prayers, hymns and a message followed by Holy Communion. This will be a monthly dinner and worship opportunity with a different menu and theme each month. This month we will enjoy turkey chili with cornbread and we will explore what Lent is and why we practice spiritual disciplines in preparation for Easter. RSVP to Pastor Stacy to ioin this new worship opportunity at Torrance First: 951-587-5145 or stacydickson@me.com.

Finally, February 26 is Ash Wednesday and will mark the beginning of the Lenten season through worship and the imposition of ashes upon our head. We will join in our annual ioint service with other United Methodist Churches in our area for this worship opportunity.

Blessings, Pastor Stacy