News (Page 12)
Who We Are In God’s Eyes
Blessings, Pastor Stacy Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Near the end of a busy time at church I always proclaim that a slower season is coming and that I will be catching my breath, but after 11 years of ministry I have learned that there are no slow seasons of the church. Summer may be coming to a close, but a new season of church is about to launch and I am beyond excited for it. This month we…
Following Christ Into the World
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Christ calls us to take up our cross and follow Him. This is not always easy to do. Sometimes He asks us to follow Him down unknown paths or into uncomfortable situations. The challenge in our faith is to trust Him enough to follow, no matter what. To follow Christ into ministry was a scary and difficult decision for me, but mission trips have always been an easy decision to follow. Christ has led…
Faith Like a Child
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Summer is officially here, both with the kids being out of school and in the heat that is starting to hit. As a kid this was my favorite time of year, as I got two months of freedom from the classroom, and as an adult it is still one of my favorite times of year. When the kids are out of school I get to play as a pastor and that just makes my…
General Conference 2016 Reflections
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! This morning I sat with the Tuesday morning Bible study class and watched the live feed of General Conference as the president of the Council of Bishops for the United Methodist Church addressed the church on behalf of our bishops. Bishop Bruce Ough explained that his heart was broken for our church over what has been happening over the last week during General Conference. He spoke about the varying views of the bishops on…
All Things New
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! The saying tells us that April showers bring May flowers and while it might not have been as much rain as we needed, we definitely had some rainy days in April. The product of those rains will be seen in our flower beds and gardens as we venture into May. I look forward to the colors and brightness that comes from the spring season, despite not always enjoying the inconvenience and sometimes damage that…

From Richard and Alma – Supporting Missionaries
From: Richard Navarro Subject: 2016 1st qaurter ministry newsletter Date: April 26, 2016 Beloved brethren in the Lord, Greetings in Christ! Alma and I are very grateful and we are humbled to know about your donation for us thru our advance in Global Ministries. We declare blessing upon blessing to be upon you and your ministry. Just love to share with you our 1st quarter ministry newsletter. May God touch you today and always. In Christ’s Service, RICHARD & ALMA…

Lois Balsley Scholarship Available
Cal-Pac News Post Lois Balsley, a faithful member of Torrance First United Methodist Church, established a scholarship fund for students within the California-Pacific United Methodist Conference with preference given to a student from Torrance First United Methodist Church. Applicants must meet the following qualifications: (1) graduating high school senior enrolling in a two or four-year college in 2016; (2) minimum of a 3.0 grade point average; (3) community and school involvement; (4) active service and membership in a local United…
Reliving Easter Sunday
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! I just got back from cleaning up the Easter Sunday remnants in the sanctuary. The unclaimed Easter lilies have been moved to soak up the sun in the patio, the empty Easter eggs and children’s worship packets were moved to my office and the bits of trash have made their way into the bottom of the trash can. As I walked through, I reflected on the wonder of our Easter services. The music was…
Blessing our “stuff”
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! In the wake of a new year, I have had several people ask me if I perform vehicle blessings and my answer is yes. Vehicles, homes, and pets are all worthy of our thanksgiving to God as well as a blessing for God’s protection and presence. Is not everything we have a gift from God? Is not everything we have able to be used in such a way to give glory to God? Then…
‘Tis the season…
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! ‘Tis the season. Not the season of celebration and indulgence that we just finished with Christmas, but just the opposite. It is the season of self-denial and sacrifice that we in the church call Lent. lent is a time when we can realize the distractions of life that can limit our relationship with God through Christ. During these 40 days (modeled by Christ’s 40 days in the wilderness after His baptism), we are able…