News (Page 10)


Exciting June!

Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! It is unbelievable that it is already June, but I could not be more excited that it is June. June is an exciting month at First UMC of Torrance. In worship we have Communion (June 3), Music Ministry Sunday (June 10), Father’s Day, with Confirmation and Graduation celebrations (June 17), and Filipino Heritage Sunday (June 24). Every Sunday will be an exciting opportunity to celebrate the people in our church and to experience God…

Tahanan News Q1 2018

We are very grateful to God for the spirit of life, hope and love having you in our journey for migrant ministry. Indeed, you are the answer to our prayers. Despite your financial & emotional struggles, you are still so strong to endure the call to Christ’s MISSION. We are intensely praying for you in order that you may continually touch many lives in Christ’s service. We would like to invite you to pray for missionary work with Migrant Filipino…

To Strengthen Your Walk With Christ

Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Just yesterday I took all the pictures and art off the walls of my office.  I had used damage free means to hang them and they had started to fall off the wall, so I took them down before the rest fell to the floor.  Now I sit looking at blank green walls, wonder what I will do different this time when I hang them.  I can put them in the exact same places,…

Choose each day to feel the presence of Christ

Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! As I write this article, I am on a bus headed to the airport in Israel, to fly home from the most incredible experience I have ever had. Just hours ago, I was praying inside the Garden Tomb of Jesus before sharing in communion worship with brothers and sisters in Christ. How could I dream of any moment greater than that moment? How can my life ever be the same after walking the path…

Small Groups and Lenten Study

Dear Friends and Family, It all started with twelve.  Twelve ordinary individuals were called to drop everything and follow, and they did just that. Without hesitation they left their nets, their families and their lives to become disciples of Christ, and their lives were changed forever.  Today we hear the same call to follow, to learn and to be changed into a disciple of Christ.  Disciple is not a passive word.  A disciple is not a spectator or a fair-weather…

What will you be doing with a new year?

Dear Friends and Family, Happy New Year!!  I send this message with wishes for a blessed year of good health, good family and good faith to each one of you.  I know that there were many rollercoasters throughout 2017 with struggles and challenges, but as I look at 2017 as a whole I see a multitude of blessings throughout it and those are the memories that I am choosing to focus on as we move into a new year. What…

Grace Notes – Glimpses of Heaven

God’s Gift of Grace in Daily Life A diaconal minister, author, and creative artist, Roela Victoria Rivera became legally blind in 2004, two years after she had severe illness that left her in a coma for three days and led her to a near-death experience (NDE) which allowed her to see the glory and beauty of heaven. While undergoing eight eye surgeries over a period of eight years, she felt her faith and trust fading away for awhile. However, her…