All Things New

Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

The saying tells us that April showers bring May flowers and while it might not have been as much rain as we needed, we definitely had some rainy days in April. The product of those rains will be seen in our flower beds and gardens as we venture into May. I look forward to the colors and brightness that comes from the spring season, despite not always enjoying the inconvenience and sometimes damage that comes from the April showers.

Often times in life we have the rainy seasons that come. The pain-filled and inconvenient seasons of life that burden us and try to stop us in our tracks. Eventually we reach the times of growth that come after the rain though. We see the beauty of God as He restores us and builds us to be stronger in the wake of our struggles.

I know that this church has gone through its times of trials and struggles, but you did not break and you made it through with God’s help. The rains came down, but the flood waters did not rise above the level that you could handle, and now the Lord is shining down upon you. I see the flowers blooming around us as I look at the full choir loft on Sunday mornings, the fuller sanctuary pews, the growing numbers of children coming up for children’s time, the full room for Bible study on Tuesday mornings and the growing programs around the church. Most importantly, I can feel a new excitement around the church as people gather as the community of Christ. I am proud to be serving a church that God is bringing new people into each week and to see new people returning to experience worship and fellowship because of the Spirit within this congregation.

Let us give thanks and glory for what God is doing, for all of the faithful servants who are fostering the growth, and for the plans that God has in store for us in the coming months and years. Torrance First, spring is here and God is making all things new!!!

Blessings, Pastor Stacy