Thanksgiving Blessings

Dear Friends,

I ran across an idea of taking a pumpkin and covering it with blessings using a permanent marker. I loved this idea! A pumpkin that gives light through a Jack-o-Lantern in October can also be a pumpkin of blessings in November.

I think about what will go on my pumpkin, and my family would have to be in large letters. I would not be who I am without my family and I could not imagine my life without any of them. I think about the blessing of my education, the places that I have lived and travelled, the people who God has put in my life along the way, and the experiences that I have had and the way they have shaped me. Finally, my pumpkin would not be complete without the thanksgiving for God and the church that has helped guide me in my relationship with God. The church has not just been buildings or a congregation, but church has been a community throughout my life that has raised me, supported me, guided me, encouraged me, mentored me, and loved me. Church has been Sunday school classes, worship services, service projects, fellowship opportunities and even committee meetings. There is much that I am thankful for and I am not sure one pumpkin would be enough.

What would be on your pumpkin? What would you like to lift thanksgiving to God in this Thanksgiving season? Who are you in need of saying “thank you” to? One challenge might be to buy a pumpkin and a new permanent marker, then each day of the month of November add one blessing onto your pumpkin. Your pumpkin of blessings can be a meaningful centerpiece for your Thanksgiving meal or just placed where you need to be able to see it most often as a reminder of the blessings in your life. You are also invited to bring your pumpkin to church on Sunday, November 28 to be a part of our Thanksgiving altar.

With this note I send blessings to you and yours during this month of giving thanks. May the Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace, amen.

Blessings, Pastor Stacy