Sermons on 11:15 AM Worship (Page 6)


Stranger Than Fiction – 11:15

The Spirit and Fire that the early church experienced was strange. Diversity of people, then and today, worshipping together may appear stranger than fiction.

Daily Blessings – 11:15

Bless God and one another. Like the rippling of waters that return for the edges of the pond, so will our blessing return, to minister and encourage us.

Going Through Walls – 11:15

In the way Jesus passed through walls to meet the Disciples’ fear, he sends us through our walls and our fears and into a world that is full of fear.

Space for Spontaneous Celebration – 11:15

In anticipation of what will happen in the future, every Sunday is a celebration, every day is a celebration—celebrating in advance God’s victory, God’s triumph, God’s grace and mercy.