Celebration Season

Dear Church,

June is one of the most exciting months in the church (beyond Christmas and Easter months). We celebrate graduates, fathers, music ministry, Filipino heritage and experience Vacation Bible School. We are just days away from June and I am filled with anticipation and excitement.

It will all be a little different this year, but we will still celebrate our graduates, our fathers, our music ministry and our Filipino heritage. This pandemic is forcing us to get more creative and to think outside the box, but we as a church will not let being home stop us from celebrating the wonderful people and ministries of our church. Tune in on Sunday mornings for each Sunday of celebration and to see how God continues to shine in all of us.
June is often called “June Gloom” because of the weather, but I want to ensure that June is not overtaken by gloom, so I am offering a few opportunities this month. First, I am offering a book club via conference call (no video, just a simple call in from any phone) on Tuesday, June 22 at 4:00pm to discuss the true story “Just Mercy” about the work that attorney Brian Anderson did in Alabama with death row inmates. The book is available through Amazon, or let me know if you would like me to order you a copy. Contact me for call details.

Second, in the month of June I am offering ministry meals on Friday evenings. Each Friday I will be at church, with gloves and mask, to cook a tasty, healthy meal for pick up or delivery. Contact me by Thursday at noon to RSVP and pick up on Friday between 5:00pm and 6:00pm with deliveries to follow. I am asking a donation of $5 per plate and the blessing and love that comes with them is FREE!

Finally, we will continue to have Joy Grams this month, so send your request in and share some joy with your friends, family and neighbors.

Let us make the most of this blessed month of celebrations while giving praise and glory to God who sustains us and provides for us.

Blessings and love, Pastor Stacy