Offering “Joy Grams”

Offering “Joy Grams”

Dear Church,

I recall as a student participating in candy gram sales at school. Students could purchase a candy gram, write a personal note on it and then on the special day the candy gram would be delivered during class to your friend. Seeing the look on a friend’s face when they received a candy gram was priceless and receiving them gave a feeling of being cared about.

Right now, as we are working to practice social distancing, keeping us physically apart from one another, those candy grams would be a blessed way to send a smile to our friends and family in the church that we are missing and thinking about.

I want to offer you just that opportunity, to send a smile — and with it joy — to church friends and family that you are missing, but instead of candy I offer bright and decorative flowers with a personal note that I am choosing to call “Joy Grams”. Unlike candy grams, there will be no charge to spread joy throughout our church. Simply email (, text or call (951-587-5145) Pastor Stacy with the message you would like to send and the address of the friend you want to send a “Joy Gram” to and your order will be fulfilled. Let’s spread the joy and connect with one another.

I also remind you to join us for our live worship service through Facebook on Sunday mornings at 9:30am. We also continue our Zoom Bible studies on Tuesday mornings, Wednesday nights, and Sunday nights. And we will once again have drive-thru communion on Sunday, May 3 from 10:30-11:30am (call if you need a communion kit delivered).

I miss you all dearly and cannot wait until we are back together again.

Blessings and love, Pastor Stacy