Announcements (Page 3)

cap-pac camps

2014 Summer Camps

IT’S TIME FOR CHURCH CAMPS! . . . . . .and, the United Methodist summer camping program continues its new format, shifting from the district camp model to a site-based model. During a five-week summer period, there will be a camping opportunity for Younger Elementary, Older Elementary, Junior High and Senior High ages as follows: Younger Elementary (grades 1-3); these camps run for 3 days only, concurrently with the Older Elementary camp, and cost $200.00. † July 6-9, Colby Camp…
bible study

Young Adult Bible Study

New!  Young adults (ages 18-40) are welcome to get together on Thursdays from 7:30pm-9:30pm in the Upper Room (youth room) at church.  This is a weekly gathering to hang out and discuss the matters of faith and philosophy that interest, concern, and confuse us as college students and young adults.  Info:  Tyler Dobbs,

Lois Balsley Scholarship Available

Lois Balsley was a tiny woman (only 4′ 11″ tall) with a big heart. She had a passion for education, young people, social justice, world travel and good music. Lois was an active member of Torrance First UMC from 1951 until her death in 2001. In establishing the Lois Balsley Living Trust, Lois left all of her worldly goods to the California-Pacific United Methodist Foundation. The Foundation Board of Directors decided a portion of Lois’ legacy would be used to…

Sermon Archive

Sermons, and other information, posted prior to the site refresh are located at the old location: