We Are the Body of Christ

We Are the Body of Christ

Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

The Apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 12 that we are the body of Christ. As the Body of Christ we are many members with varying gifts and abilities, but most importantly, we are connected together and interdependent upon one another.

I recently spoke to our church’s leadership body about the importance of developing relationships with one another to build each other up and to strengthen our church body. I encouraged them to intentionally reach out to meet new people and to get to know people with whom they cross paths, but have not yet gotten to know.  We were reminded that our call is not to make budget and policies, but to care for people and to create space for growth as Disciples of Christ.

I desire to be a leader in this movement by extending an invitation to each of you to get to know one another better. It is true that I have many meetings and commitments and much work that I do in the office, but there is no work more important than the time I spend with brothers and sisters in Christ.  I cherish time we share sitting in my office together, sharing a meal with each other and the fellowship we share over a cup of tea or coffee.  I wish I had time on Sunday morning, as everyone is headed out the sanctuary doors, to have a deep and meaningful conversation with each and every person, but that would be an unrealistic goal.  Making a goal of having deep and meaningful conversations throughout the week is an achievable goal and I pray that you will help me to reach that goal.

With that, I invite you to find the time in your schedule when we can get to know one another for the first time or to get to know each other better.  I am truly thankful for all the wonderful brothers and sisters that I walked with in my four years here, who have met with me and talked with me and I am excited for all the new and deeper connections that are just a phone call, text or email away.

Blessings,  Pastor Stacy