These I Command of You – 9:15
Scripture Reading Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Music Ministry Sunday – 9:15
Hear the variety of music that we are blessed with.
Facing the Skeptics – 9:15
How do we respond to people skeptical of the Christian faith?
Write Your Story – 9:15
How did you respond when asked to do something new and maybe outside your comfort zone? Listen to how Isaiah responded.
The Sneeches of Pentecost – 9:15
Use the Holy Spirit that dwells within you to bring the community together, rather than using it to separate from one another.
Oh, the Places We Will Go – 9:15
Scripture Reading Acts 2:42-47
I Meant What I Said, and I Said What I Meant – 9:15
I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. A savior is faithful one hundred percent.
We too, are called to be faithful… one hundred percent.
Obleck Isn’t for Wimps – 9:15
What burdens are we carrying? We must learn to forgive others in order to release ourselves from these burdens.
The YERTLE in Us All – 9:15
How are we like Yertle?
Hear how we can be the best we can be as we serve in Love and kindness.
UNLESS Someone Like You – 9:15
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.