Not At All What I Envisioned

Not At All What I Envisioned

Dear Church,

What a difference a month makes. Just a month ago as I wrote my El Portal article I was excited about Small Dinner Church, our upcoming Community Block Party and I was planning for Holy Week and Easter with great excitement.

Here a month later I am spending my time planning virtual Bible studies, live streaming worship services and attempting to figure out how to best celebrate Easter and the resurrection from a quarantined lifestyle. This is not at all what I envisioned 2020 to look like.

And yet, I am working to make the most of this anxious and uncertain time in life and ministry. I am enjoying connecting with people through Zoom meetings and gatherings. I am feeling blessed beyond measure for our worship team and music staff that are helping to offer a Sunday morning worship experience to our congregation and community. And I am being challenged to be more inspired and creative in a way that should make me a stronger pastor and mother even after this crisis has passed. I hope you will join me in trying to make the best lemonade out of the lemons handed to us by the Coronavirus.

Now I would love to be writing with certainty at this point of what is happening in ministry, but I am finding plans changing on an almost daily basis. With that, I recommend everyone to be on the email mailing list for weekly updates, to like our church Facebook page for daily updates and offerings, and to be checking the church website for resources and information that is continually being updated as well. Thank you to Kathie for our email blast, to Scott for our website, Leah for our social media and live streaming components, and to Claudia for our print communication.  We are blessed by your gifts and skills that help us to continue to be the church, even from a safer at home distance.

May God bless you and keep you and let me know if you need ANYTHING

Blessings, Pastor Stacy