Intentional Kindness

Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

Christmas displays were up as early as September, leaving us months of preparation and anticipation for Christmas. And just like that, Christmas is over. The presents have all been unwrapped, the feasts have been eaten, and the live trees have made their way to the curb to meet the wood chipper.

I fear that the opening to this article might sound depressing, but I find hope in these words. Now that the distractions of decorations, presents and trees are out of the way, we can truly focus our hearts on the Christmas message. Christ’s presence in our lives. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the festivities of Christmas from the carols the first week of advent to the Christ candles on Christmas Eve and everything in between, but unlike the live trees and the Christmas feast, the Christmas miracle does not have an expiration date or ending time. The festivities of the message don’t have to end before the New Year rings in.

After January 1, I can still be intentional about showing kindness to those I love and strangers on the street. I can still send cards to share love and make intentional time for visits and phone calls. I can still host dinners with all the fixings to bring about cheer and good tidings. I can still look at the Christ child and remember that Christmas was not a one-day event but is God’s incarnation into my life that happens on a daily basis when I open my heart to His love and remember that He is my hope on my darkest of days.

1 Peter 2:9 reminds us of our salvation and our call to praise God by saying, “you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

Let us in this new year turn our hearts in praise to God with the spirit of Christmas all throughout the year, spreading the light of Christ for all to see through us. Happy New Year, brothers and sisters, and may you experience the icy of Christ all through the year.

Blessings, Pastor Stacy