Holiday Colors

Dear Torrance First UMC Family,

If holidays could be categorized with a color, for me, Thanksgiving would be a “brown” holiday — something other than the frenzied red of the secular Christmas, the holy white of Easter, the patriotic red, white and blue of July 4th or the garish black and orange of Halloween. Brown is a peaceful color in my opinion becaUse it’s an earthy tone, suggestive of fallen leaves, dried corn stalks and landscapes at rest after the harvest.

A peaceful color would be needed and appropriate for us for the month of November, as we all settle in from the busyness of our community. We have had many changes and events in the last few months: pastoral change, staff change, and many things foliowed as a domino effect, and the grateful centennial celebration. Now we are getting used to a good-looking pastor and things all well taken care of, we would like to adore the peaceful color that God is painting for us.

Christians have an advantage at Thanksgiving because we know who to thank. Our faith provides a perspective that enables us to see that boons and bounty are not something owed to us, but gifts from a loving God. Christians understand that even in hard times when obvious blessings seem scarce, we are still abundantly graced with life itself — a wonderful gift — and with the abiding presence of God.

As you offer thanks to God, may the brown peace of gratitude flood your soul.

Pastor Jacob