Greet, Invite, Introduce…

Greet, Invite, Introduce…

Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

When my children were little they enioyed watching a show called “Agent Oso.” Agent Oso is a cartoon bear that works as a secret agent. Each episode he goes through training to learn three simple steps to complete a mission, there is even a “Three Simple Steps” song that plays multiple times each episode and will get stuck in your head.

Three simple steps certainly helps children learn how to accomplish larger tasks by breaking them down into simple steps that can be easy to memorize and fulfill, but three simple steps is iust as important for adults in accomplishing our adult-level tasks. Don’t get overwhelmed by the size of the proiect, but instead think it through one bite-sized step at a time.

Our leadership has been evaluating and talking through our hospitality and welcome of new guests to the church and we have realized that our system could use a little upgrade. We are working on a new “Welcome Table,” a welcome gift, and a follow up plan for each new person who walks through our doors. We are also going to be more intentional about getting guest’s information so that we can follow up by letter, email or phone call. All of this is to help people feel welcomed and at home here at Torrance First.

One key aspect that we realized is that we cannot do this alone, we need everyone’s help. I challenge us all to see the importance of being a welcoming church to those who come seeking God and community. I challenge us all to strive to show guests a warm Torrance First welcome with three simple steps: GREET, INVITE, INTRODUCE.

First, let us be intentional about GREETing guests with a warm smile and a friendly handshake, letting them know that we are glad that they are here. Second, let us make sure to INVITE them to the Welcome Table for their gift, to the social hall for refreshments and to be back the next week. And, finally, take the initiative to INTRODUCE them to people you are sitting with and friends in the social hall. Each of these steps helps a guest know that they are welcome, that they are valued and that this is a church that cares about them. Together we can make the difference in a guest’s first visit to our church and to show them the love of Christ that is in our hearts and in our church.

See you at church! Pastor Stacy