Fully Embracing Our Blessings

Fully Embracing Our Blessings

Dear Family and Friends of First UMC of Torrance,

As we step into the beautiful month of October, we are reminded of the harvest season, which brings us with a sense of anticipation and gratitude. The trees don their vibrant shades of red and gold, and the fields burst with the fruits of labor. It is a season of harvest, a season of reaping the rewards of hard work, and most importantly, a season of fully embracing the blessings that God has graciously poured upon us.

In the midst of our daily lives, it is easy to get caught up in the rush of routines and responsibilities. However, October reminds us to pause, reflect, and appreciate the beauty and blessings that surround us. As we gather together in worship, fellowship, and mission in October, let us live out some of the ways in which we can fully embrace these blessings.

  1. Reflect on God’s Provision: Take a moment to think about the food on your table, the shelter over your head, and the loving and supporting relationships in your life.
  2. Express Gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful tool for embracing blessings. Let us cultivate an attitude of gratitude in our hearts and daily lives. Take time each day to thank God and express your gratitude to those around you.
  3. Be a Blessing: We are called to be a blessing to others. Consider how you can be a blessing to your community, friends, and neighbors through sharing love and kindness, supporting, and volunteering.

As we fully embrace the blessings God has poured upon us, let us remember the words of Psalm 107:1 (NRSV), “O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” In the midst of the season of harvest, let us not forget that we have received God’s abundant grace, mercy, and love.

May this October be a time of deep reflection, heartfelt gratitude, and joyful celebration of the blessings that surround us. Together, as a church family, let us fully embrace these blessings and continue to be a beacon of love and hope in our community.

With gratitude and love,
Pastor Jacob