Pastor’s Column (Page 13)
Rummage Sale News
Please plan to support the rummage sale fundraiser, and encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to do so as well.
Charge Conference – September 15, 2013
The purpose of this Church Conference is to decide on whether or not to sell a parsonage.
All Things New — Mountaintop Experience
Dear Friends, The mountaintop experience at Camp Colby, during the recent Elementary Camp, was very enriching and fulfilling. We explored the theme of God making “All Things New.” After being inactive from kids’ camping for 13 years, and being away from Camp Colby for at least 20 years, it was a nostalgic and refreshing getaway. The idyllic setting is located above La Cañada-Flintridge in the Mt. Wilson area, with its towering pine trees, a brook running through the camp, and…
Barbecue and Fun
On August 17, we would like to invite anyone to come to our social hall at 11 a.m. for a church barbecue.
Reflections of Joy
Dear Friends, July 1st marked the beginning of my eighth year as your pastor. I thank God for such a privilege and honor. When I look back, there are so many milestones that I cherish: those who were single who transitioned to marriage; the births and baptisms; and the coming of age celebrations. Then I get more sentimental when I see confirmands who are now in college or have graduated. I recall the time when some of you were little…
Annual Conference – 2013
Dear Friends, It’s that time of the year when churches send ministers and lay representatives to Annual Conference. What is Annual Conference? It is the annual summertime pilgrimage to the University of Redlands where we meet, vote, and worship. On the larger ‘conference’ level we receive reports, we approve budgets, and enact new legislation. We also hear about endings and new beginnings. This year we will have a new bishop presiding over our sessions. After twelve years of faithful service…
Emerging Identity
Dear Friends, While attending the Ken Callahan workshop two weeks ago, I learned that there is a search for an emerging individuality. Certainly this applies to individual persons, but also to groups and to churches. As we all go through life stages and passages, our identity changes within different age brackets, various job positions, and in marital and expanding families. In a similar way, churches undergo transformational stages. Over the decades our church identity has undergone some shifting. At one…
Emerging Individuality
Dear Friends, After the first day of the workshop with Ken Callahan, he’s finished explaining one of the four important searches in which people are engaged. The four searches are: emerging individuality, community, meaning, and hope. Callahan is adept at cultural analysis and social archaeology. He’s able to break down social indicators that characterize individuals as well as groups. On day one he identified the differences between the first-born child and the second-born child. One of his theories is that the first-borns tend to…
Reflecting on Easter
Dear Friends, What a glorious Easter Sunday we shared! One bright spot among many was the children and youth activities and ministries going on. The newly named children’s chorus, Hallelujah Kid’s Choir sang “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands,” under the direction of Heidi and accompanist Carolyn. They were followed by the Emma Circle Singers who presented the anthem “Echoes of Joy,” led by Cleta and accompanied by Rachelle. These musical offerings were given during the 9:15 service.…
Reflecting on the Resurrection
Dear Friends, In thinking about the narrative of the resurrection in the gospels, did you know that Matthew, Mark, and Luke only devoted one chapter each to tell about Jesus’ rising and what happens after that? The writer of John is the only one who devotes two chapters. In total, Matthew wrote twenty-eight chapters, Mark wrote sixteen chapters, Luke twenty-four chapters, and John twenty-two. Perhaps the reason why there is much less proportionately in the resurrection narrative is that Jesus…