Pastor’s Column (Page 12)

Farewell Message from Pastor Bob and Marlou

Dear Friends, Over the next few weeks, Marlou and I will be sorting and packing stuff; and that goes for the emotions and memories as well. When I sort through the wonderful activities and events in my mind, I’ll bring with me many remembrances—outreach lunches, Filipino heritage and Christmas feasts, recycling Saturdays, confirmation and membership classes, youth trips to Big Bear to play in the snow, young adults times, dinner dances, and volleyball games. I’ll remember the many celebrations—the combined…

Reflections on the past year

Dear Friends, By the time you receive and read this El Portal article, we will be in between Christmas and New Year. Before celebrating the New Year, let’s reflect on the past year. How would you characterize 2013 for you and your family? Below are some of my thoughts in review. In the latter half of 2013, we experienced change and difficulty. In September, we had a change in the organist position. After a couple of months of substitutes, we…


Dear Friends, Last Saturday, several folks came to the church to decorate the sanctuary, social hall, and Friendship Room; and to hang the “joy” sign, and the large wreath on the front of our entrance. For the next three Sundays our church will be adorned in greens, and purple paraments, purple candles, Christmas lights, ornaments, wreaths, and manger scenes. What remains are the radiant red poinsettias, which are due to arrive. How do you decorate your home? In addition to…

Response to the Crisis in the Philippines

We were pleased to respond to the crisis in the Philippines with a prayer vigil on Thursday, November 14, and a collection drive to pack some “balikbayan boxes” to send. Many thanks to those of you who brought blankets, canned goods, clothing, toiletries, toys, and other supplies.

2013 Charge Conference

Our annual Charge Conference has been scheduled for: Saturday, November 9, at 1:30pm at First United Methodist Church of Wilmington.
rummage sale head

Rummage Sale News

Please plan to support the rummage sale fundraiser, and encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to do so as well.