

The Apostle Peter’s Feet

Peter’s feet, and how we ore called to follow them to Christ is the focus of Pastor Stacy’s current sermon series. As we look at his devoted and often human feet we consider how important feet are and how lost we would be without them. Our shoes are an important way in which we care for our feet, but too many people live without shoes and suffer the consequences of disease and injury. From Tuesday, September 9 through Tuesday, September…

Relief Efforts

Thousands have been affected by tornadoes in Oklahoma, Texas and other U.S. states. Find out how to be part of United Methodist relief efforts and follow coverage. Give on-line through UMCOR Disaster Response.

Food Drive

First Sunday Food Drive for Sawyer Family Service Center (formerly His House). As we come to share in Holy Communion, we remember those who are hungry by bringing non-perishable food items to share. Especially needed are dry milk (individual packets or small boxes); dry cereal, beans, rice, pasta, macaroni and cheese; small cans of fruit and vegetables; peanut butter; canned tuna, pork and beans, chili, spaghettis, corned beef, hash, stew, etc.; can openers. A collection box is located in the…