100 Year Celebration – Inventions

100 Year Celebration – Inventions

Dear Friends,

My Madison is currently working on her annual STEAM Faire project for school. She initially asked to be able to work on an invention, desiring to create something that would help solve an everyday problem, only to realize this would be difficult.

Inventions are not easy to create, which brings about a greater appreciation for all the inventions and advancements that we depend on and use every day. As our church celebrates 100 years of ministry, we celebrate the inventions and advancements that we use and depend on for our daily ministry.

Over the last 100 years we have seen the advancement of transportation which has moved us from neighborhood churches that we walk to, into a time where we can travel to get to the church that we love.

Technology advancements over the last 100 years have included computers, sound systems, television sets, printers and copiers, and most recently the internet with email and social media. Imagine where we would be today without all of these. We would not have worship bulletins, newsletters, microphones or sound systems in worship, the ability to communicate electronically and during this pandemic we would not have had the ability to experience worship from our church at home.

Our challenge as a church has been the utilization of these advancements without compromising the Gospel message. At the same time, we are challenged to use them as we are able, to help us in our daily walk with the Lord.

Praise the Lord for those who have failed 1000 times only to be successful at changing our world on their 1001st try. May we celebrate our ability to connect with one another, gather with one another, and to be in worship with one another through all the means that we have available to Us.

See you in person, on Facebook/YouYube, and on Zoom!

Blessings, Pastor Stacy