The Great Pipe Organ

The Great Pipe Organ

The pipe organ of First United Methodist Church of Torrance is one of the largest and most complete instruments in Los Angeles’ South Bay. The tonal design is a comprehensive Anglo-American scheme that capably supports hymn singing, sensitively accompanies the choir, soloists, and instrumentalists, and faithfully renders a large body of solo organ literature.

The pipe organ is composed of vintage pipework of the highest quality operated by new mechanical and electrical mechanisms including blowers, wind chests, winding, wiring, switching, swell boxes, and console. The core of the organ includes complete matched pipe choruses by Aeolian-Skinner (1958), including the Great Principal chorus, Positiv, and Swell Reeds and our church’s original M.P. Moller organ (1970) in the Swell flues. Additional sets of vintage pipes, some new sets of pipes custom-built for the church, and Walker digital stops complete the scheme.

The planning, pipe refurbishment and installation is being performed by Rister Pipe Organs of Whittier, CA. Steuart Goodwin is carefully voicing and regulating all the pipework to sound as a unified whole.

The tone is centered around a large body of transparent singing 8′ and 4′ stops with clear, un-forced upper-work, and a wide range of 16′ pedal stops to provide balanced pedal point. These core resources are augmented by colorful solo stops and variety of flutes and strings capable of providing sympathetic accompaniments.

The organ is placed in the altar area of the church. Two new pipe chambers were constructed to house portions of the organ and have the excellent qualities of shallow depth, hard, reflective walls, and large tone openings. The divisions of the organ are strategically placed with the main choruses of the Great and Positiv cantilevered in the altar area where they project freely into the sanctuary. The Swell, Choir and Solo—which benefit from a bit of distance and indirect exposure—are sited in the chambers.

The organ was contracted for in late 2009 and is currently under construction with the Great and Positiv divisions complete as of September 2011. It is anticipated that the contracted-for work will be complete by the end of 2013.

The church has in its’ possession additional sets of pipes with which to build a small Processional division to support the choir singing at the rear of the church as well as several beautiful soloistic stops which are envisioned to be placed in an Orchestral division also at the rear of the church. If you would be interested help support this work please contact the church.

We at Torrance First UMC are most blessed to have this monumental pipe organ leading the music at our weekly Sunday 9:15am worship service and we warmly invite you to come hear it and worship with us.

The Console
great division
The Great Division
positiv division
The Positiv Division

Specification Of The Pipe Organ


Exposed  at right side of Altar; 3 ½” wind pressure

Pitch Stop Name Notes Source
16’ Quintaton (from Choir) 12 1958 Aeolian-Skinner
8’ Principal 61 1958 Aeolian-Skinner
8’ Rohr Flote 73 1970 M.P. Moller
8’ Harmonic Flute (from Solo)
4’ Octave 61 1958 Aeolian-Skinner
4’ Rohr Flote (from 8’)
2 2/3’ Twelfth 61 1958 Aeolian-Skinner
2’ Super Octave 61 1958 Aeolian-Skinner
IV Fourniture 244 new
16’ Posuane (from 8’) 12 Walker digital
8’ Trumpet 61 Biesecker (Germany)
8’ Tuba (from Solo)
8’ French Horn (from Solo)


Exposed at left side of Altar; 3” wind pressure

Pitch Stop Name Notes Source
8’ Nason Flute 61 1958 Aeolian-Skinner
4’ Koppel Flute 61 1958 Aeolian-Skinner
2 2/3’ Nasat (tapered) 61 1970 M.P. Moller
2’ Lieblich Principal 61 1958 Aeolian-Skinner
1 3/5’ Tierce 61 1958 Aeolian-Skinner
1’ Sifflote 49 1958 Aeolian-Skinner


Enclosed at right side of Altar; 3 1/2” wind pressure

Pitch Stop Name Notes Source
16’ Double Dulciana 73 1-12 Walker digital; 13-73 Kilgen
8’ Spitz Flote 61 1958 Aeolian-Skinner (revoiced Reuter)
8’ Quintaton 61 1958 Aeolian-Skinner
8’ Dulciana (from 16’)
8’ Unda Maris t.c. (tuned flat) 49 Kilgen
4’ Gemshorn 61 Hutchings-Votey
8’ Clarinet 61 Wicks


Enclosed at left side of Altar; 4” wind pressure

Pitch Stop Name Notes Source
16’ Contra Salicional 85 1-12 Walker digital; 13-85 new
8’ Geigen Principal 61 1970 M.P. Moller
8’ Gedeckt 61 1970 M.P. Moller
8’ Viola Pomposa 61 1970 M.P. Moller
8’ Viola Celeste (tuned sharp) 61 1970 M.P. Moller
8’ Salicional (from 16’)
4’ Spitz Principal 61 1970 M.P. Moller
4’ Nachthorn (stopped) 61 1958 Aeolian-Skinner
4’ Salicet (from 16’)
2’ Harmonic Piccolo 61 1970 M.P. Moller
III-V Plein Jeu 256 1958 Aeolian-Skinner
16’ Bassoon (1-12 half length) 85 1958 Aeolian-Skinner (mfd by A.R. Schopp)
8’ Harmonic Trumpet 61 1958 Aeolian-Skinner (mfd by A.R. Schopp)
8’ Bassoon (from 16’)
8’ Oboe 61 1958 Aeolian-Skinner (revoiced Kimball)
4’ Schalmey (from 16’)


Enclosed at right side of Altar; 10” wind pressure

Pitch Stop Name Notes Source
8’ Harmonic Flute prepared-for
4’ Harmonic Flute 12-note extension of 8’ prepared-for
8’ Tuba (harmonic) 61 1916 Austin
8’ French Horn (harmonic) 61 1926 Austin
8’ Bassoon (from Swell)
8’ Oboe (from Swell)


Various locations; 3 1/2” wind pressure

Pitch Stop Name Notes Source
32’ Sub Bass 32 Walker digital
32’ Violone 56 Walker digital
16’ Principal 32 Walker digital
16’ Bourdon 44 1970 M.P. Moller
16’ Gedeckt (from Swell)
16’ Quintaton (from Great & Choir)
16’ Violone (from 32’)
16’ Gemshorn (swell expression) 32 Walker digital
8’ Octave 44 1958 Aeolian-Skinner
8’ Major Flute (from 16’ Bourdon)
8’ Gedeckt (from Swell)
8’ Cello (from 32’)
4’ Choral Bass (from 8’)
4’ Gedeckt (from Swell)
32’ Contra Bassoon (half-length) 12 1958 Aeolian-Skinner (mfd by A.R. Schopp)
16’ Ophecleide (from Solo) 12 1916 Austin
16’ Posuane 32 Walker digital
16’ Bassoon (from Swell)
8’ Tuba (from Solo)
8’ Trumpet (from Great)
4’ Schalmey (from Swell)


Pipe Ranks 42
Pipe Stops 35