Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
I will admit that this is not my favorite time of year. I’m not talking about Fall, but I am talking about the season that I ask each of you to pledge money to the church. Admittedly, I have never been good at it. When I was a child I had a paper route and I was great at throwing the papers out the window of my mom’s Buick onto each driveway with great accuracy, but I was not good at going door to door every month asking people for their $2 donation for their paper. My hands would sweat and shake and it was the most uncomfortable I ever felt as a child, but I did it nonetheless because they would not have their newspapers without it.
My hands don’t sweat anymore when I ask for money, but the uneasy feeling of asking people to give up their hard-earned money is not necessarily any easier. The reality is that it is necessary, not because bills need to be paid or obligations met, but because God is present in this community through the faithful work that this church is doing. Lives have been changed for 93 years because people have given to this ministry.
I know it is not always any more comfortable to hear the money talks, so, can we covenant to open our hearts together to hear God’s calling this stewardship season, to see how God has blessed each one of us and to honestly and courageously listen to how God is calling us to respond to His blessings? We will see together what God is making possible for this upcoming year and we will celebrate together the goodness of the people in this church and the God who draws us together.
Beginning Sunday, October 11, we will look through the classic children’s book The Giving Tree to guide us through our campaign and, together, I invite us all to bring our pledge cards on Sunday, November 1, to consecrate them, to share in communion and to honor the saints that have gone before us and have laid the foundation of the church through their faithful living.
Blessings, Pastor Stacy