Renewed Mission and Ministry

Renewed Mission and Ministry

Dear Beloved Church Family and Friends of First UMC of Torrance,

As the days noticeably shorten and the cool breeze of September whispers the coming of autumn, we find ourselves on the cusp of a season rich in meaning. For many, this is the time of year when the fruits of our labor are gathered-when the seeds sown in spring and nurtured through the hard work of summer finally yield their harvest. In the life of our church, September marks a period of renewed mission and ministry—an opportunity for us to come together, united in purpose, to work in God’s vineyard.

Jesus’ parable of the workers in the vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16) challenges us to reflect on our spirit toward service and participation in God’s work. It’s easy to fall into the mindset of comparing our efforts with others, measuring our worth based on how long or hard we’ve worked. However, the parable reminds us that it’s not the length of time we’ve labored but our willingness to join in the work that truly matters. God calls each of us—whether we’ve been laboring in the vineyard for years or are just now stepping into the field—to contribute to His mission with joy and gratitude.

As we enter this season, our church is bustling with opportunities for everyone to get involved. Our mission and ministry efforts in many areas are in full swing. Now is the time for each of us to consider how we can join in this collective work. Whether you’ve been deeply involved before or are thinking about stepping into a new role, your presence and participation are invaluable.

Let us remember that an abundant harvest does not come without hard work. As we labor together in the fields of mission and ministry, we embody the unity and diversity of the body of Christ. Each of us has a role to lead and serve, and together, we can anticipate a fruitful season, blessed by God’s abundant grace. Let us work with willing hearts, expecting the rich harvest that God has prepared for us.

In Christ’s service, Pastor Jacob