Holy Land Experience

Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

The difference between knowledge and wisdom comes from experience. We learn knowledge from books and classrooms, but we gain wisdom from living life. Week after week I teach and preach from the Bible, both from the knowledge I have gained in my training, and also from my experience of God through my life and through my faith.

There is one experience that I long to have to increase my wisdom and that is the experience of walking through the Holy Land to see where Christ lived and died. I want to wade into the waters of the Jordan River, to kneel on Calvary and to stand at the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Stories, pictures and videos cannot take the place of physically seeing the Holy Land and the sacred places that Christ dwelled.

That dream is coming true and I want to invite you to walk through the Holy Land with me next February. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but even more so to go with brothers and sisters from church. We will be using Educational Opportunities, a professional tour organization, to organize our adventure and to be our tour host. They will arrange all transportation, housing, food and minute-to-minutes details of the trip. For more information about Educational Opportunities visit www.eo.travel. Brochures are available at church with all the pertinent information and a meeting will be held in the social hall on Tuesday, May 30 at 7:00pm for all who are committed to joining us, and those who are considering joining the trip. This will be an opportunity for everyone to see who will be participating and to ask questions about additional trip details. If you are considering going, please note that there is a $125 discount if you register online by May 13 with your $300 deposit.

February cannot come soon enough and I am blessed to be experiencing the Holy Land for the first time with my Torrance First family and friends.

Blessings, Pastor Stacy