11:15 AM Alternative Worship

11:15 AM Alternative Worship

6/2014 update: the 11:15 worship service will be taking a short break. Stay tuned.

1115 worship logo
When I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell on them, just as the Spirit fell on us in the beginning.
—Peter the Apostle, Acts 11:15 (CEB)

We would like to welcome everyone to a new worship experience that is forming. Are you desiring a deeper connection to God as you travel on your journey in faith? We are committed to a creative worship experience, to allow disciples of all ages to grow, as we fulfill the mission of this church of “Sharing the promise of life with Christ, and Passing the faith to the next generation.”

We selected Acts 11:15 as the theme verse for our 11:15am worship experience. We strive to offer a worship experience where the Holy Spirit is real: To be fedby the Word of God; to be filled by the Holy Spirit; to be freed by the music. Be fed, be filled and be freed.

About the Logo

1115 icon

This heart icon was created to reinforce the vision of our worship experience. Praise and worship come from the heart as our response back to God.

Acts 11:15 reminds us that the Holy Spirit continues to fall on the people of God, just as it did for those few gathered in the Upper Room so long ago.

We have used three lines coming from the heart to symbolize the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. Be Fed, Be Filled and Be Freed. Three actions of the Holy Spirit, three actions in worship.