Our Mission

Dear Friends,

In each of our administrative meetings we begin by reciting our church’s mission statement that “We are a diverse and caring community, sharing the promise of life with Christ, passing the faith to the next generation.” I take this statement to heart in understanding that this is who our congregation is called to be. Tomorrow I leave for Texas for a leadership seminar on multicultural church ministry so that I can learn from experienced pastors in this area. I hope to grow in my understanding of our mission as a diverse community and to better celebrate that amazing quality of our congregation. I have loved hearing the Psalms read in other languages in worship. I am excited to learn how to be a stronger pastor and leader in this area.

I have also been excited to see the fruit of that calling in our young people, just in the time that I have already been at the church. SPRC hired Becky as our Young People’s director to not only lead our youth group, but to mentor our young adults into creating their own group as well. For young adults are adults in many ways, but are still in need of their own identity in having their own space, Bible studies and activities. Becky was not hired to run this group, but to be a resource to them so that they can develop their leadership skills and to take a responsible role in determining who they are and what their mission as a group is with a staff member to help them.

In worship we have invited young people to read our Psalm passage on the first Sunday of the month, when they stay in worship instead of Sunday school, as well as having them take a role In serving communion. We embrace that they are the future of the church and the future begins today as we invite them to be active participants in the whole ministry of the church. Praise the Lord for such amazing young people and a church that is so committed to them.

Pastor Stacy